National Geographic Channel’s exclusive documentary, BSF: India’s First Line of Defence launched as the top-rated show in the week of its premiere. It is the highest rated show of the genre in the television universe (4+ All India) with 812 TVT, which is 22 percent more viewership than the genre’s next rated show. With its spectacular visuals and moving storytelling, the documentary also appealed to premium audiences, retaining the #1 slot in Infotainment’s core TG (9 -40 A).
Commenting on the success of the show, Swati Mohan Business Head India, Fox Networks Group said, “The response to our documentary on the BSF has been overwhelming. We thank the Border Security Force for the all the support, and for making the entire production process an enriching experience for us. The film was an ode to the unsung heroes that guard our borders and it was made to instill a sense of pride in every Indian. The ratings are not only a testimony of the quality of production, but also the love and respect the country has for its real heroes. The appreciation we have received for this documentary reassures us on our commitment to bring to viewers extraordinary and path breaking documentaries that reiterate Nat Geo’s gold standards of iconic and visually stunning story-telling.”
The documentary salutes the spirit and never say die attitude of our soldiers. It brought viewers closer to the unflinching soldiers guarding the nation’s frontline. Even before the premiere, the appeal of the documentary insured that the digital promotions of the show engaged more than 2.2 mil users (reaching more than 20 mil users in total). With the massive support that the campaign was getting, Nat Geo also created an online platform that enabled users to send messages to soldiers at the border.