The Stage English singing reality show on Colors Infinity went on to take it to a whole new horizon with the first edition of The Stage Tour. The 8-city tour will see the winner and four of the top contestants from the first season performing live for audiences across the country. The musical journey of The Stage Tour flags off on April 6th in Chennai, concluding in Mumbai on April 21st, with pit-stops at Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Guwahati, Shillong and Pune.
Speaking about the initiative, Ferzad Palia, EVP, Viacom18 and Head- Youth and English entertainment said “With The Stage we gave the English music talent of India a platform for the first time. Now we are taking the best of that talent across the country to 8 cities to perform live. They have wooed India with their musical prowess before, and I am certain that they will receive immense appreciation this time around as well. We are extremely excited about the tour and hope that our viewers will enjoy the experience.”
The five popular names travelling in The Stage Tour’wagon include winner Yatharth Ratnum, along with popular Indie faces Soundarya Jayachandran, Kenishaa Francis, Anushka Shahane and Rupin Pahwa. This eclectic mix of young talent will be performing at various venues as part of the journey of The Stage Tour.