NDTV Prime announced a new reality show titled The Real Deal, to celebrate Social Entrepreneurship and Impact Investors. The Real Deal will find, feature and fund the social entrepreneurs by bringing them face to face with potential impact investors in a 10-episode reality game format, bringing together two of the hottest and biggest issues, social change and entrepreneurship.
Announcing the show, Shruti Verma Singh, Head, Channel Strategy and Brand, NDTV Prime said “2016 promises to be the year of the Social Unicorn! These “for profit” social enterprises also work towards long term social impact. NDTV Prime is proud to have incubated and given form to an idea that celebrates promotes and puts social entrepreneurs on the same platform with powerful Investors. The Real Deal is a game changer.”
The contestants will be coached by Aditi Shrivastava, Head, Intellecap Impact Investment Network and Deborah Keller, Manager, Artha Initiative.
Judging these social entrepreneurs are Amar Singh, CEO &Founder Clove Dental; Audrey Selian, Director, Artha Initiative; Jayesh Parekh, Managing Partner at Jungle Ventures; Radha Kapoor, Founder and Director of the Indian School of Design and Innovation; and Kartik Desai, Principal, Asha Impact. The jury will be the impact investors on the show.
Starting from 25th March, the show will be hosted by by Shikha Uberoi, a former tennis player and now Co-Founder, Indi.com India and she is also the Creator and Executive Producer of the show. The show will be telecasted on every Friday at 9PM.
Speaking about the show, Uberoi, said, “Social change and mainstream entertainment should not be mutually exclusive. What better way to debut with The Real Deal which brings together two of India’s hottest issues, social change and entrepreneurship. I wanted to create an active and dynamic show which got right to the solutions versus groaning about problems hence, real solutions. In order for India to reach her potential our brilliant social entrepreneurs need to reach theirs and for that they need investment with real money. This show is about struggle and triumph and winning the ultimate deal which not only benefits a single entrepreneur and their enterprise but potentially, the entire country hence, The Real Deal.”
The show will also see actor and Social Entrepreneur Kunal Kapoor as an expert revealing some facts and figures towards the end of each episode.