Sony ESPN channels a part of Sony Pictures Networks India SPN, is launching the ESPN FC show. The show will be the channel’s initiation in broadcasting a holistic football analysis and highlights show in India. ESPN FC show will showcase a global focus on one of the most watched sport in the world, highlighting some of the best players and action across international football leagues.
Starting from 23rd March,Sony ESPN will broadcast ESPN FC daily from Tuesday to Saturday at 7.30PM and it will run for 24minutes with 4 segments.
The show’s format coupled with an expert panel of football veterans to power unmatched content on television for ardent football fans and general audiences alike. Leading the show, host Dan Thomas will be joined by Craig Burley (ex-Chelsea, Derby and Celtic midfielder), ShakaHislop (ex- West Ham, Newcastle and Portsmouth goalkeeper), Steve Nicol (Liverpool legend) and many more former football greats.
Adding a fresh dimension, ESPN FC website journalists Gabriel Marcotti and Sid Lowe will also join the ex-players to provide analysis, opinion and insight on the top European leagues.
The SPN sports cluster portfolio of live football programming comprises a line-up which includes show such as the LaLiga BBVA, Serie A TIM, Emirates FA Cup, UEFA EURO 2016, Qualifiers for UEFA EURO 2016, FIFA U-17 World Cup, European Qualifiers for 2018 FIFA World Cup™, 2018 FIFA World Cup™ and COPA America 2015 positioning it as the ‘Home of Football’.